
cure psoriatic arthritis

  i just finished treating for psoriasis.... the worst kind. hand sized blotches from hands up to elbow, thick silver scales, cracked and bleeding bad enough they thought about going get stitches. so severe on fingers that they were unusable. severe pain in my shoulders. i couldnt life my arms high enough to fasten my belt. had to have wife help me dress. first thing i tried was CS naturally. didn't work. made stronger. didn't work. but it stopped the bleeding. tried acid,alkali,alcohol,hydrogen peroxide,sea salt ( actually stabilised it ) aloe.... nothing worked. then recalled aloe/cs mix..... made it 20ppm and mixed 50/50 with aloe GEL still didnt work..mixed 25/25/50 colloidal silver/ colloidal GOLD/ aloe gel...worked somewhat. then i read about ASPIRIN having some effect.... so i would paint on the mixture heavily with a turkey basting brush at night long enough before bed for it to soak in. no bandages needed. that would soften it. first thing in morn i would scratch off a